Here’s the bizarre cold email outreach campaign

that turned 76 prospects into 6 booked sales calls and $17,000 in new business in just 7 days

(you’d swear it wouldn’t work, until it does…)
If you’d like to get on more calls with your ideal prospects…
  • Without creating mountains of content
  • Without endless rejection from gatekeepers
  • Without spending $100’s per day on Facebook or Google Ads
Then this page is going to make you pee your pants with joy (or at least do a little dance while nobody’s watching.)
Book Your free strategy sesion here!
OVER 100 million EMAILS SENT
in multiple markets
Created & implemented Strategies
to overcome major changes in Yahoo, Hotmail & Gmail algorithms…
Used “unprecedented strategies”
to TRIPLE open rates, DOUBLE click through rates, & reduce unsubscribe rates
Generated over $20 million
in revenue from email marketing for our strategic partners
successfully Over 73

Our Attention To Detail, Dedication, & Obsession With Client Success Has Captured The Attention And Respect Of RenownedHigh-ticket Influencers & Coaches Such As:

Justin Woll
Founder of BeyondSixFigures, 4x Two Comma Club Award
Our 5-part email sequence added an additional $19,928 to his bottom line during a recent holiday promotion
we ran
Craig Anthony
Founder of  Car Flipping 101 & Flying Wheels
Our 2 email sequences have brought in a combined total of $25,000 since being built and are continuing to bring in more than $4k per month.
Max Yield Bins
Premier Mushroom Growth Kits
Our email sequences have generated $89,863 in revenue in a span of 6 months.
David Zaleski
Entrepreneur, Amazon seller, and The Founder of EcomHub
We helped David increase his average email open rate from 9% to over 33%, while adding a total of $136,000 to his bottom line just from email
PS Weddings
Australian Boutique Wedding Planning Agency
We built & launched a cold email sequence to a highly-targeted list of 26 prospects. The results? An 85% open rate, 54% response rate, & 7 booked calls

Using The Power Of Our bizarre Cold Email Campaigns It’s Possible To Turn A Tiny List Of 26 Prospects Into 7 Booked Calls. Or Turn 76 Prospects Into 6 Booked Calls And $17,000 In New Business In Just One Week.

Bold claims? Maybe. But also true, as these are real numbers from cold outreach campaigns we’ve been running for ourselves and our clients.

This page will show you why our cold email campaigns work so well and how you can use the same approach for your business to get even the “busiest” prospects to agree to a call with you.

First, for the skeptics among us, I hear ye’ cry…

It’s true.

They don’t.

Not when they look like this…

No prizes for guessing why an email like this would get ignored:

The type of emails we send instead…
As you can see, this is not your ordinary cold email…

And that’s good, because ordinary cold emails get deleted on arrival, if they even make it past the spam filter.

The morale of the story:

Getting attention from busy decision makers is extremely hard these days.

We’ve found a way to do it and it’s working remarkably well for ourselves and our clients in all kinds of industries.

Let us plan, execute & manage your cold email sequence with infinite ROI

Let's Go To The Drawing Board
The first steps are all about us learning about your unique brand, goals, target audience, and vision for your business. This way, we'll discover how you want to use email to acquire more clients.

In addition, we'll also define TOGETHER what a qualified lead means for your business.

After gathering all this crucial information, we use it to develop a winning email marketing strategy to achieve your desired results.
We Write Bizarrely Engaging Emails
Emails that get opened, build rapport and put your prospects in the perfect frame of mind to speak with you.
We Send The Emails Via A Special Email Software
It helps us achieve high deliverability, tracking and automation.
The data shows us what to focus on. Maybe it’s a different offer, subject line, new email or an entirely new sequence.
Ready To Take Action?
Book Your Free Email Strategy Session Here

hOW it works

The way we work is quite simple.
You take the plunge and say YES!
(You are here, well, almost.)

We congratulate you on a smart decision, pop some champagne then shuffle off to our desks to get cracking (after the champagne has worn off, obviously.)
After telling us who you're ideal clients are, we'll build out your prospects list.
These will be your perfect prospects. Each email is validated. No generic emails like “”
We write your emails
Our wizard copywriter creates between 2-5 emails for your first campaign. We let him out of the basement twice a day for pee breaks.
Emails are scheduled
Your fresh new emails are loaded into a special cold email software ESP. Once approved, your campaign goes live within 3 working days.


They Are A Team To Watch Our For!
“Before we brought in Hassan and Rebecca, we had NO email marketing strategy & systems in place. We ran our email marketing very sporadically and only sent emails when we were doing launches and promos. Working with the Email Architects, has helped us streamline our entire process. They created many followup & nurture email sequences and before they left, they gave my team custom loom video trainings to walk my team through the entire process. They are a team to watch out for!”

- Luis Diaz, CEO & Founder of Top10Podcasts
"Here goes my testimonial. Super happy about the work TEA has done!"
- Mike Clark, Developing Australian Communities

How Do You Know If It’s Successful?

There’s two ways to tell.
Email open rate of 35%+
At least 5% of the list books a call with you

If we don’t hit these targets during the first month, we’ll work with you for free until you do.

Holy smokes, that seems a bit, err, ambitious doesn't it?

I agree. But it’s also realistic 😃

Our current campaigns are achieving between 50% - 70% open rates and converting at 5% - 15% in booked calls.

Which may beg the question, is this...

...Better Than Running Ads?

Here’s the problem we’ve found with ads: it’s expensive.

You need to pay for the ads to run and hire an agency to create, manage and optimize everything, week in, week out.

With a carefully designed cold outreach campaign, you don't have to pay to reach prospects with ads. Your only investment is in a team of people who know how to create and run successful campaigns. Everything else is free.

Plus, unlike ads, you can pinpoint a specific person you'd like to work with and reach out to them in a personal way that they can’t easily ignore.

And unlike ads, you are not bound by the advertising platform's ever changing rules and red tape which hinders your reach and results.

There’s something magical about a personalized, witty email that speaks directly to the person intended.

It truly opens doors.

How The Email Architects Give You The Ultimate Unfair Advantage No One Else Can

Now the reason this partnership is so special is because you will NOT find a team and an opportunity like this anywhere else.
We practice what we preach. We’ve made beyond 8-figures in revenue for all of our strategic partners through email.
We constantly improve & refine our partner's email marketing strategy. Why? Email marketing is never a one-shot hit or miss. To be successful at it, email marketing needs continuous monitoring, evaluation, and optimization.
We are obsessed with constantly studying new email marketing trends & strategies to help our clients WIN more. Chances are we are taking new a course. Reading new books. And constantly finding new ways to become better email marketers.

We do this to keep us on the cutting-edge and to accelerate our client's success. Their success is our success.
You're getting an email marketing A-team. When we put our Dream Team together, we had to go through dozens of people to find the best talent for each role. And after we acquired the best talent, we invested HUNDREDS of hours  to personally train each member.

So when you work with our team, you’re only working with the very best.

Now, The Fact Is We Can’t Help Everyone.

So Here’s Who We Can Help.

You MUST have a good business and a good reputation
If you are selling any MLMs or anything illegal or unethical of any sort, do NOT apply.
You MUST have have a solid business and a proven high-ticket offer selling for $2K or more. Your offers must include at least one of the following:
  • Intensives or bootcamps
  • Certification programs
  • Mastermind groups
  • Software
  • 8-Week group coaching series
  • High-end advisory services
  • 12-month coaching / mentoring program
  • Done for you services
  • Online courses
  • Train the trainer programs
  • High-level membership
If you're still in startup mode or you have an unproven offer, this is NOT for you. Ideally you should have a $3 - $25K offer and you should be doing 6-7 figures or more each year already.
Your offer MUST deliver a big transformation to your clients / customers and solve a MAJOR business or personal problem
You MUST be able to follow directions
If you cannot meet us halfway (or a quarter way in our case), neither one of us will make money. So it is absolutely critical you trust our team in doing what we do best. So you can focus on doing what you do best.

If you meet all of these criteria and ONLY if you meet these criteria, you may apply.

So to be sure this is going to deliver you a healthy ROI, we will need to speak with you first.

Use the form below to book a 10 minute call with us and let’s see if this service is going to be a good fit for you.

It’s also a chance to set expectations, provide you with a fixed fee quote and answer all your skeptical questions :)

And just so you’re aware, there’s no lock in contracts.

And once again, if we’re a good fit, we’ll guarantee your results. We’ll work with you until you hit agreed metrics and/or get a minimum of 5 calls booked per month.

If you don't, we'll work with you for free until you do!

Book Your Free Email Strategy Session Here
Who Are The Experts Behind The Email Architects?

Hassan Mohaidly is the Co-Founder of the Email Architects. As the lead ‘Email Architect’, Hassan is the go-to expert that high-ticket Coaches & Influencers turn to for transforming their email marketing, from a challenging task, to an email list of repeat clients & engaged subscribers.

Through his 7-step Tailored Launch & Deployment email marketing framework, he has helped his clients obtain 6-figure run rates, enhancing clients’ time to focus on what they’re amazing at.

His attention to detail, dedication, & obsession with client success has captured the attention and respect of renowned Entrepreneurs, influencers, and top media personalities such as David Zaleski, Dan Lok, Scott Yancey, Peter Sage, Tina Hay, Stefan James, Nik Halik, Ross Cameron, Colin Sprake, and more.

Rebecca Woolrych is the Co-founder of the Email Architects. With over 16 years of experience in the sales & marketing industry, Rebecca has worked in a wide range of industries including:

- Hotels
- Fashion
- Beauty
- Fitness
- Professional service sectors
- And much more

For the past 6 years, Rebecca has focused exclusively on digital & email marketing strategy, implementation and analytics.

Rebecca enjoys working with businesses to develop and implement digital marketing strategies that increase leads and convert more sales. Her specialty is email marketing, website optimisation, and paid advertising.

She works closely with marketing and sales teams as well as business owners to help them achieve a measurable return on investment from their digital marketing activities.

Frequently Asked Questions About The Email Architects Partnership

“How can I be sure my emails get delivered?”

We make sure your list doesn’t contain any  generic emails (e.g “”)  and we run other checks including spam filters, syntax error filters and domain validation to ensure we’re emailing real people. and your emails get delivered.

Oh, we also use a specialized cold email software for industry-leading cold email deliverability rates. Reporting will show us if there’s any issues.

“This won’t work for my industry!”

Oh ye of little faith!

Whether we’re doctors, surgeons, plumbers, CEOs of a fortune 500, or bloody Elon Musk, we all come home to watch Netflix, take a poop and eat dinner out of a brown bag. (Erm, no? Just me then? Okaaay, moving on…)

In other words, we’re all human… and we all share a desire for fun and humor...  and have problems that keep us awake at night.  

Your prospects are crying out for the types of emails we send. And they’re far more likely to listen to your pitch if you’ve made them smile in some way first (which our emails do, btw.)

“Will my emails be on brand?”

We can write in your brand voice and we won’t say things in a way that wouldn’t sound right coming from you directly.

However, if using your brand voice means avoiding humor of any kind, using corporate speak and using jargon and buzzwords over “real language” then this probably isn't for you. If your brand is so strong and important that you feel anything that deviates from it (even in a private email to a single potential client) then you probably don’t need cold email outreach anyway (congrats!)

“What if someone responds positively?”

Well, time for you to take over and do your thang!

Don’t worry, you don’t have to pretend to talk or walk like your cold emails do. Clients don’t expect you to be funny or inhumane. The emails are the icebreaker that get you in front of them, on good terms. And without blowing thousands on advertising, content and other types of resource-draining, slow and unpredictable marketing methods like everyone else says you have to.

"Does It Matter What Niche I'm In?"

Our cold email outreach campaigns have been tested throughout 73 different niches with very similar results across the board.

What is most important is that you have a working High ticket offer for your coaching or Consulting business and have some traction with your marketing funnel. The way we architect our cold email outreach campaigns has been designed purposefully to integrate with your existing marketing funnel.

“I have a question and it’s not listed here...”

That’s OK, we love questions.

At least it means you’re somewhat engaged in this process. Excited, even? OK, we’re getting ahead of ourselves here. Book a call with us and ask all the questions!